C-38 Refrigeration Exam

Passing The C-38 Refrigeration Trade Exam is as easy as 1,2,3!

  1. Commit to passing your California C-38 Refrigeration Contractor exam. Prepare to pass at HOME, on your schedule; “Read, Listen, Watch, Learn, & PASS!“
  2. Apply to the CSLB. We will also help you with your Contractor License Application at no additional cost. Call for assistance. “Spend Less & Pass Your Test.”
  3. Study. Our clients typically pass the exam on their 1st attempt! “Follow The Plan & Pass Your Exam!“

All qualifying individuals must also pass their California Contractor Law & Business Exam (sold separately below)


* Shipping fees apply for the options not fully online.

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Pass the C-38 Refrigeration exam on your 1st attempt. Unleash the most effective and affordable C-38 contractors’ license course available in California. Our clients pass the C-38 Refrigeration Contractor exam.

Pass your C-38 Refrigeration Contractor exam; it’s simple as 123!

ONE – Commit to becoming a C-38 Refrigeration Contractor. Study at HOME, & on your schedule; Read, Listen, Watch, Learn, & PASS!

  1. Read our best in the industry C-38 Refrigeration exam prep manual.
  2. Listen & watch as experts review Math & Title 8 Health & Safety Rules.
  3. Learn the art of dominating a four-question multiple-choice exam.
  4. PASS your C-38 Refrigeration exam.

The most effective C-38 contractor exam course available in California at ANY price!

Study Online! Our multimedia Electrical contractor course is your best & most affordable method to pass your C-38 Contractor License Exam!

TWO – Apply to the CSLB. We will help! New online tools will help you correctly fill out your original C-38 Refrigeration contractor exam application. Fill out the form, call us for assistance, and schedule a free line-by-line review of your application before submission to the CSLB!

With our help, submitting a proper C-38 License application to the CSLB has never been easier!

THREE – Prepare for and pass your exam. Our students dramatically improve their test scores and pass their 38 Refrigeration contractor exam.

When ready to test, schedule your exam through PSI. Please read the PSI Candidate Information Bulletin for more information. PSI – C-38 Refrigeration

IT’s A FACT! when you read something – eTEXTBOOKS, watch something – VIDEO FILES, hear something – AUDIO FILES, and then put that information to use – ONLINE PRACTICE QUESTIONS  & ONLINE EXAMS, your ability to retain our study materials increases exponentially!


Study at home! Don’t waste time commuting to a classroom. Study conveniently in your home or office. Our courses are a proven, reliable, and affordable way to pass the C-38 Refrigeration Contractor exam.


Choose your course format from either

eCourse – Online Manual (not printable)Streaming A/V (Audio/Video), & Online Testing

Or Printed Manual + Online A/V (Audio/Video) & Online Testing

Or Printed Manual + CDs, DVD’s, & Online Testing

Our C-38 Refrigeration Contractor License Trade Exam Course includes the following course materials to maximize your study efforts.

  • Trade Specific Textbooks
  • Audio Lectures
  • Video Lectures
  • Online Practice Questions
  • Simulated Online Exams


The C-38 Refrigeration Contractor exam manual covers the essential topics of the California C-38 Refrigeration contractor license exam. Topics include Basic Electrical Formulas, Electrical Materials,
Insulating Materials, Refrigerants, Refrigeration Materials & Tools, Mechanical Refrigeration Systems, Absorption Refrigeration Systems, Electrical Plan & Circuit Symbols, Title 8 Health & Safety Orders, and Refrigeration Review Questions.

The C-38 Refrigeration Contractor exam manual contains the following sections;

  • MATH REVIEW: covers math and estimating formulas, units of measurement, elementary geometry, and the architect’s scale.
  • GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: This contains basic trade information all students must know to pass the C-38 Trade exam.
  • HEALTH AND SAFETY: Our comprehensive health and safety section familiarizes students with Cal/OSHA and other regulations and practices.
  • REVIEW QUESTIONS: Lists the most difficult questions, indexed to the relevant section of the manual.


Streaming online Audio/Video files or CDs & DVDs. Expert instructors with decades of experience cover fundamental C-38 Refrigeration exam concepts in greater detail. Our audio/video lectures cover Math Formulas and Title 8 Health & Safety lectures.


  • FLASHCARDS: Online flashcard program tracks your history and also allows you to exclude questions you have already learned.
  • PRACTICE EXAMS: Three final practice exams, each timed to simulate actual exam conditions. The course also includes two Cal/OSHA Health & Safety tests. (exams are approximately 120 questions each.) Our C-38 and Title 8 Health and Safety update list any new questions to reflect changing trends in exam focus.


Get help filling out your contractor exam application or request a free review of your completed form before submission. All students in our C-38 Refrigeration course can call us at (866) 685 8564 for assistance.

ONE YEAR UNLIMITED ACCESS: To All Online eBooks, Audio/Video, Test Questions & Simulated Final Exams.

We provide complete access to all online course materials for an entire year. Other schools may offer only 90-day access to online tools to charge you extra $ for extended access to study materials.

C-38 Refrigeration Contractor exam course with C-38 Trade CD's DVDs & online practice tests


A detailed breakdown of the makeup of the C-38 Refrigeration Contractor trade exam. A list of all the reference materials used to create the C-38 exam & the scope of the C-38 Refrigeration contractor classification.

The C-38 Exam has five major sections:

Section 1. Planning and Estimation (24% of Exam)

  • Planning refrigeration projects
  • Estimating refrigeration projects

Section 2. Installation of Refrigeration Systems (29% of Exam)

  • Job site preparation
  • Install refrigeration equipment
  • Start-up refrigeration systems
  • Install specialty refrigeration systems

Section 3. Repair of Refrigeration Systems (24% of Exam)

  • Troubleshooting refrigeration systems
  • Troubleshooting electrical problems
  • Repairing refrigeration systems

Section 4. Repair of Refrigeration Systems (13% of Exam)

  • Maintain refrigeration systems
  • Documenting code compliance

Section 5. Safety (10% of Exam)

  • Employee safety
  • Job site safety

*Percentages are approximate

C-38 Refrigeration exam source material:

The CSLB utilizes the following publications for the creation of the cabinet, millwork & finish carpentry exam. California codebooks can be viewed online: www.bsc.ca.gov

2022 California Electrical Code. California Code of Regulations, Title 24. BNI Publications, Inc.
PHONE: (888) 264-2665
INTERNET: www.bnibooks.com

2022 California Mechanical Code. California Code of Regulations, Title 24. International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO).
PHONE: (909) 472-4100
INTERNET: http://www.iapmo.org

California Health & Safety Code.
INTERNET: www.leginfo.ca.gov

Fundamentals of HVAC/R. Carter Stanfield & David Skaves. Pearson.
INTERNET: www.pearson.com

Modern Refrigeration and Air Conditioning. Goodheart-Willcox Company.
PHONE: (800) 323-0440
INTERNET: www.g-w.com

Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Technology. Delmar Cengage Learning.
PHONE: (800) 354-9706
INTERNET: www.cengage.com/delmar

State of California General Industry & Electrical Safety Orders (Cal/OSHA) and State of California Construction & Electrical Safety Orders (Cal/OSHA). 2022. California Code of Regulations, Title 8. Mancomm.
PHONE: (877) 626-2666
INTERNET: www.mancomm.com

*Publisher information is current as of 1/23

Official CSLB Description of Duties for a C-38 Refrigeration Contractor.

California Code of Regulations Title 16, Division 8, Article 3. Classifications

A refrigeration contractor constructs, fabricates, erects, installs, maintains, services and repairs refrigerators, refrigerated rooms, and insulated refrigerated spaces, temperature insulation, air-conditioning units, ducts, blowers, registers, humidity and thermostatic controls for the control of air, liquid, and/or gas temperatures below fifty degrees Fahrenheit (50), or ten degrees Celsius (10).

Authority cited: Sections 7008 and 7059, Reference: Sections 7058 and 7059 (Business and Professions Code)



We offer our study materials as two separate courses;

  1. Course-1: C-38 TRADE EXAM.
  2. Course-2: LAW & BUSINESS EXAM. (Each Sold Separately)


Pass the Law & Business Exam

Pass the Law & Business Exam for Your Original Contractor’s License

  • Law & Business Exam Focus: This exam concentrates on California Contractor Law and best business practices.
  • Path to Success: To qualify for your first contractor’s license, you must pass both the TRADE and LAW exams. Utilize our resources to “Read, Watch, Listen, Learn, and PASS!”

Prepare for both exams to ensure you meet all the requirements for your original contractor’s license. With the right resources and study habits, you’re on your way to becoming a licensed contractor.


* Shipping fees apply for the options not fully online.

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Take a free Pipeline test. These free C-38 exam questions are similar to the ones you will encounter when taking the actual C-38 contractors exam.

You are off to a strong start if you readily answer seven or more questions correctly without guessing.
However, if you miss three or more questions, you risk failing the TRADE portion of the C-38 Exam.

Welcome to your free C-38 Refrigeration Exam

Before transferring refrigerant to an empty cylinder, the cylinder should be:

A moisture-indicating sight glass is located on the liquid line, immediately downstream from the:

A(n)_____ should be used to remove ice from a sight glass or viewing glass.

For the suction line, the ______ is found on the low side at the outlet of the evaporator.

For the liquid line, on the high side between the condenser and the metering device, the ______ is found.

A high-pressure relief device helps to protect the ______ from damage.

If multiple pressure relief valves are installed, they should be installed:

If a pungent (sharp) odor is encountered the recovery process, what is likely to have gone wrong?

The EPA regards the following as a major repair to a refrigeration system:

At least ______ microns should be reached for a deep vacuum.

What sort of PPE (personal protective equipment) is recommended when using cleaning solvent?

What should be done with lifelines, safety harnesses, and shock-absorbing lanyards that have been subjected to impact loading?

What is the longest standard length of a scaffold plank?

On a 120V circuit, what color is the (protective) ground wire?

What is the minimum distance apart that acetylene and oxygen cylinders must be stored?

Which of the following is a correct method for storing acetylene cylinders?

Which of the following is the best choice for hoisting a full gas cylinder?

Cylinders containing ______ shall not be taken into confined spaces.

A dry chemical or carbon dioxide fire extinguisher rated at least ______ must be kept near operations where bottled fuel gases are being used.

No more than ______ of paints, solvents, and chemicals may be stored in a room unless an approved safety storage cabinet is present.

We want to talk to you if you found these practice questions helpful!

Think about how useful it would be to access hundreds of researched C-38 exam questions and answers, learn the theory and meaning behind each question, memorize key concepts with virtual flashcards, take non-graded practice quizzes, and verify your knowledge with full-length, timed practice exams.

Call us at 866-685-8562 for a free licensing consultation.

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