HAZ – Hazardous Substance Removal Certification


  1. Commit to passing your California HAZ exam. Prepare at HOME on your schedule: Read, Listen, Watch, Learn, &  PASS!”
  2. Apply to the CSLB. We help you correctly fill out your HAZ Certification Application. Call us for assistance.
  3. Study. Our clients typically pass the exam on their 1st attempt!  Follow the plan and pass your exam!”



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Pass the HAZ exam on your 1st attempt. Unleash the most effective & affordable Hazardous Substance Removal certificate course available in California. Our clients pass their HAZ exams.

Pass your HAZ – Hazardous Substance Removal Certification exam; it’s simple as 123!

ONE – Commit to becoming HAZ – Hazardous Substance Removal Certified. Study at home ONLINE, on your schedule; Read, Listen, Watch, Learn, & PASS!

  1. Read our best in the industry HAZ – Hazardous Substance Removal exam prep manual.
  2. Listen & watch as experts review Math & Title 8 Health & Safety Rules.
  3. Learn the art of dominating a four-question multiple-choice exam.
  4. PASS your HAZ – Hazardous Substance Removal Certification exam.

The most effective HAZ certification exam course available in California at ANY price!

Study Online! Our multimedia Hazardous Substance Removal certification course is your best & most affordable method to pass your HAZ Certification Exam!

TWO – Apply to the CSLB. We will help! New online tools will help you correctly fill out your original HAZ – Hazardous Substance Removal certification exam application. Fill out the form, call us for assistance, and schedule a free line-by-line review of your application before submission to the CSLB!

With our help, submitting a proper HAZ Certification application to the CSLB has never been easier!

THREE – Prepare for and pass your exam. Our students dramatically improve their test scores and pass their HAZ – Hazardous Substance Removal certification exam.

When ready to test, schedule your exam through PSI. Please read the PSI Candidate Information Bulletin for more information. PSI –Hazardous Substance Removal

IT’s A FACT! when you read something – eTEXTBOOKS, watch something – VIDEO FILES, hear something – AUDIO FILES, and then put that information to use – ONLINE PRACTICE QUESTIONS  & ONLINE EXAMS, your ability to retain our study materials increases exponentially!


Study at home! Don’t waste time commuting to a classroom. Study conveniently in your home or office. Our courses are a proven, reliable, and affordable way to pass the Hazardous Substance Removal certification exam.


Choose your course format from either

eCourse – Online Manual (not printable)Streaming A/V (Audio/Video), & Online Testing

Or Printed Manual + Online A/V (Audio/Video) & Online Testing

Or Printed Manual + CDs, DVD’s, & Online Testing

Our Hazardous Substance Removal Exam Course includes the following course materials to maximize your study efforts.

  • HAZ Specific Textbooks
  • Audio Lectures
  • Video Lectures
  • Online Practice Questions
  • Simulated Online Exams


The HAZ – Hazardous Substance Removal certification exam manual covers the essential topics of the California HAZ – Hazardous Substance Removal certification exam. Topics include Hazardous Waste, Sampling, Personal Protective Equipment, Atmospheric Hazard Guidelines, Site Control, Underground Storage Tanks, Subsurface Barriers, Excavation Equipment, Transporting Hazardous Materials, a Glossary of terms, Title 8 Health and Safety Orders, and HAZ Review Questions.

The HAZ – Hazardous Substance Removal Certification Study Guide contains the following sections; 

Math Review – Covers math and estimating formulas, units of measurement, basic geometry, and the architect’s scale.

General Knowledge – The HAZ manual has a General Knowledge section that covers certification information students must know to pass the state exam.

Health and Safety – Our extensive Health and Safety section familiarizes students with Cal/OSHA and other regulations and practices covered by the state exam.

Hazardous Substance Removal Review Questions – Lists the most difficult questions, indexed to the relevant section of the manual.

Practice Tests – Three final practice exams, each timed to simulate actual exam conditions. The course also includes two Cal/OSHA Health & Safety tests. (exams are approximately 95 questions each.) Our HAZ and Title 8 Health and Safety update list any new questions to reflect changing trends in exam focus.

Audio/Video Lectures:

Streaming online Audio/Video files or CDs & DVDs. Expert instructors with decades of experience cover fundamental Hazardous Substance Removal exam concepts in greater detail. Our audio/video lectures cover Math Formulas HAZ General Knowledge, HAZ Review Questions, and Title 8 Health & Safety lectures.

Hazardous Substance Removal Certification Exam Online Practice Tools

Flashcards: Online flashcard program tracks your history, allowing you to exclude questions you have already learned.

PRACTICE EXAMS: Three practice exams and two Health & Safety tests. (Exams are approximately 95 questions each.) Our Health and Safety update lists any new questions to reflect changing trends in exam focus.

Assistance Filling out Applications

Call 866-685-8564 for assistance with correctly filling out your contractor exam application or for a full review of your completed application before submission.

HAZ Hazardous Substance Removal Certification course with C-61 Trade CD's DVDs & online practice tests


A detailed breakdown of the makeup of the HAZ – Hazardous Substance Removal certification exam. A list of all the reference materials used to create the HAZ exam & the scope of the HAZ – Hazardous Substance Removal classification.

The Hazardous Substance Removal Exam Consists of Five Major Sections:

Section 1. Planning and Estimation (36% of Exam)

  • Planning hazardous substance projects
  • Estimating hazardous substance projects

Section 2. Hazardous Substance Management (37% of Exam)

  • Identifying hazardous substances
  • Securing and controlling site access
  • Removing hazardous substances
  • Containing hazardous material migration
  • Installing and operating remediation systems
  • Determining proper waste disposal
  • Preparing and disposing of waste

Section 3. Storage Tanks (9% of Exam)

  • Tank installation
  • Tank upgrade

Section 4. Storage Tanks (9% of Exam)

  • Installing and upgrading storage tanks
  • Excavating for underground storage tanks
  • Removing and disposing of storage tanks
  • Closing/abandoning storage tanks

Section 5. Safety (18% of Exam)

  • Job site safety
  • Personnel safety

*Percentages are approximate

HAZ Hazardous Substance Removal exam source material:

The CSLB utilizes the following publications for the creation of the HAZ exam. California codebooks can be viewed online: www.bsc.ca.gov

Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Title 29, Pt. 1900 to 1910 and 1926 (especially 1910.120 and 1926.65 Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response). 2022
PHONE: (886) 512-1800
INTERNET: bookstore.gpo.gov

Leaking Underground Fuel Tank (LUFT) Guidance Manual. State Water Resources Control Board.
PHONE: (800) 553-6847
INTERNET: www.swrcb.ca.gov/ust/luft_manual.shtml

Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Orientation Manual. 2014. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
PHONE: (800) 490-9198
INTERNET: www.epa.gov/hwgenerators/resource-conservation and-recovery-act-rcra-orientation-manual

State of California General Industry & Electrical Safety Orders (Cal/OSHA) and State of California Construction & Electrical Safety Orders (Cal/OSHA). 2022. California Code of Regulations, Title 8. Mancomm.
PHONE: (877) 626-2666.
INTERNET: www.mancomm.com

Underground Service Alert Guidelines. California Government Code 4216 and California Business & Professions Code 7110.
PHONE: (800) 227-2600
INTERNET: www.usanorth811.org

Underground Storage Tank Regulations, Title 23, California Code of Regulations Chapter 16. State Water Resources Control Board.
PHONE: (916) 341-5254
INTERNET: www.waterboards.ca.gov/ust/regulatory/docs/ccr_title2 3div3chapt16.pdf

*Publisher information is current as of 11/22

Official CSLB Description of License Classification for HAZ – Hazardous Substance Removal Certification

Business & Professions Code – Division 3, Chapter 9. Contractors, Article 4. Classifications

7058.7. (a) No contractor shall engage in a removal or remedial action, as defined in subdivision (d) unless the qualifier for the license has passed an approved hazardous substance certification examination.


  • (1) The Contractors’ State License Board, the Division of Occupational Safety and Health of the Department of Industrial Relations, and the Department of Toxic Substances Control shall jointly select an advisory committee, which shall be composed of two representatives of hazardous substance removal workers in California, two general engineering contractors in California, and two representatives of insurance companies in California who shall be selected by the Insurance Commissioner.
  • (2) The Contractors’ State License Board shall develop a written test for the certification of contractors engaged in hazardous substance removal or remedial action in consultation with the Division of Occupational Safety and Health, the State Water Resources Control Board, the Department of Toxic Substances Control, and the advisory committee.

(c) The Contractors’ State License Board may require additional updated approved hazardous substance certification examinations of licensees currently certified based on new public or occupational health and safety information. The Contractors’ State License Board, in consultation with the Department of Toxic Substances Control and the State Water Resources Control Board, shall approve other initial and updated hazardous substance certification examinations and determine whether to require an updated certification examination of all current certificate holders.

(d) For purposes of this section, “removal or remedial action” has the same meaning as found in Chapter 6.8 (commencing with Section 25300) of Division 20 of the Health and Safety Code if the action requires the contractor to dig into the surface of the earth and remove the dug material and the action is at a site listed pursuant to Section 25356 of the Health and Safety Code or any other site listed as a hazardous waste site by the Department of Toxic Substances Control or a site listed on the National Priorities List compiled pursuant to the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (42 U.S.C. Sec. 9601 et seq.). “Removal or remedial action” does not include asbestos-related work, as defined in Section 6501.8 of the Labor Code, or work related to a hazardous substance spill on a highway.


  • (1) A contractor shall not install or remove an underground storage tank unless the contractor has passed the hazardous substance certification examination developed pursuant to this section.
  • (2) A contractor who is not certified may bid on or contract for the installation or removal of an underground tank as long as the work is performed by a contractor who is certified pursuant to this section.
  • (3) For purposes of this subdivision, “underground storage tank” has the same meaning as defined in subdivision (x) of Section 25281 of the Health and Safety Code.

(Amended by Stats. 1990, Chapter 1366 (SB 2004), eff. Sept. 26, 1990; amended by Stats. 1992, Chapter 1289 (AB 2743), Chapter 1290 (AB 3188), eff. Sept. 30, 1992; amended by Stats. 1993, Chapter 168 (AB 427).)


Take a free HAZ – Hazardous Substance Removal Certification practice test. These free HAZ exam questions are similar to the ones you will encounter when taking the actual HAZ certification exam.

You are off to a strong start if you readily answer seven or more questions correctly without guessing.
However, if you miss three or more questions, you risk failing the HAZ – Hazardous Substance Removal Certification Exam.

Welcome to your free HAZ Hazardous Substance Removal Practice Quiz

REQUIRED - Enter your email address to receive a printable copy of your test results.
What is the maximum width of a trench before a bridge is required?

What is the maximum depth of a trench before a bridge is required?

You have encountered asbestos while working on a site with a HAZWOPER training person. What should you do?

In a 5-ft deep trench, you must space ladders no more than ______ apart to enable workers to get out in an emergency.

According to Cal/OSHA, which of the following is a characteristic of confined spaces?

Which of the following actions must be taken prior to the transportation of a removed UST?

How much time do the utilities have to come out after contacting USA?

Which of the following is considered the MOSY important with respect to a transporter?

If a respirator has been contaminated and must be thrown out, what kind of waste is it considered to be?

If a rectangular job site is 300 feet from east to west and 200 ft from north to south, how many linear feet of fencing with the contractor have to order if he puts a fence around the perimeter with an additional fence in the middle from east to west?

What sort of PPE (personal protective equipment) is recommended when using cleaning solvent?

What should be done with lifelines, safety harnesses, and shock-absorbing lanyards that have been subjected to impact loading?

What is the longest standard length of a scaffold plank?

On a 120V circuit, what color is the (protective) ground wire?

What is the minimum distance apart that acetylene and oxygen cylinders must be stored?

Which of the following is a correct method for storing acetylene cylinders?

Which of the following is the best choice for hoisting a full gas cylinder?

Cylinders containing ______ shall not be taken into confined spaces.

A dry chemical or carbon dioxide fire extinguisher rated at least ______ must be kept near operations where bottled fuel gases are being used.

No more than ______ of paints, solvents, and chemicals may be stored in a room unless an approved safety storage cabinet is present.