How should concrete slurry backfill be prepared if asphalt is to be laid directly over it?
34% of your exam consist of Installation of New Pipelines questions. Call us at (866) 685 8564 for a free consultation.
When the soils report indicates that compaction of a trench will result in 10% less volume, what should be expected during backfill?
8% of your exam consist of Removal, Repair, & Maintenance of Existing Systems questions. Call us at (866) 685 8564 for a free consultation.
Using a load factor of 50%, how many 10-yard dump truck loads are required to export 6” of paving removed from a 120’ x 4’ trench?
20% of your exam consist of Planning & Estimation questions. Call us at (866) 685 8564 for a free consultation.
What method should be used to install electrical and telephone conduits in the same trench?
10% of your exam consist of Specialty Pipeline Projects questions. Call us at (866) 685 8564 for a free consultation.
When replacing pavement over a trench, what is meant by “overcutting”?
34% of your exam consist of Installation of New Pipelines questions. Call us at (866) 685 8564 for a free consultation.
According to CALTRANS specifications for corrugated metal pipe, the diameter of an excavated hole may NOT be more than __________ greater than the outside diameter of the pipe.
34% of your exam consist of Installation of New Pipelines questions. Call us at (866) 685 8564 for a free consultation.
When excavating for a sewer, you start at the manhole and cut 20' horizontally, 16' deep, with a 3' clearance above the top of the sewer main. You have proceeded:
10% of your exam consist of Specialty Pipeline Projects questions. Call us at (866) 685 8564 for a free consultation.
When filling a trench and covering it with asphalt, what do you use to compact the trench?
10% of your exam consist of Specialty Pipeline Projects questions. Call us at (866) 685 8564 for a free consultation.
The elevation is +6.75. The grade stake is -3.25. What is the cut?
20% of your exam consist of Planning & Estimation questions. Call us at (866) 685 8564 for a free consultation.
The direction of current flow in a conductor is:
28% of your exam consist of Safety questions. Call us at (866) 685 8564 for a free consultation.
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